Hello and Happy Spring!
Since our last blog we have been waiting patiently for things to sprout, chickens to hatch and more bees to arrive. The dogs have been clipped with their summer haircuts and the sap from the maple trees has been waiting to be cooked into delicious maple syrup.
We were able to dash away to the Florida Keys for some much needed RnR with our bestest of friends, and get a much needed tan on our pasty white bodies.
Being in the Keys made me realize my soul belongs in the sunshine. Michael and I got married in Jamaica and I always said I would retire in the caribbean. Walking down a side street in Key West it really hit me. The feeling of warmth and the smell of the ocean, (not always good) knowing what I've accomplished in the last couple of years, I can do this. Goal set here! I will have a place in the caribbean by the time I'm 50, in 5 years. (I can't believe I'm going to be 50)
While patiently waiting for the chickens, the bees, the earth to come to life, we have been finishing the remodel of our 3rd property in Eagle, WI. It will be going on the market in May, 2021 for any eager home buyer.😁
Wedding season is also upon us at Blooms in Bloom, and we are busy, busy. We’re also getting ready for our spring gardening class on May 20th, introducing Lisa Wendt, master gardener as our speaker.
Meracle Acres has been busy too. I always knew purchasing this property was a good idea, but never did I think it would take off like it has. We are booked every weekend except for two until October. August 21st and September 11th weekends are still available for anyone interested.
We hosted Easter at Meracle Acres with our family. What a gorgeous day - 70 degrees in Wisconsin at the beginning of April. I will take it.
In other exciting news, our dogs are famous! Check out Marshall and Maple, featured in 101 MORE Newfies!
Our animals are more famous than us. In a magazine and a book, WOW who would have thought?!
Magazine Photo credit: One Shot Scott Photography
Marshall (left) Maple (right)
Thank goodness we didn't have kids. They would have been monsters. We spoil our pets way too much. These 2 get their meals cooked for them morning and night, they are hardly ever left alone, and have 200 acres to roam. I've even been trying to figure out which caribbean island I can get them to without flying them. Oh, the Bahamas, I think we will be seeing you soon.
The new Italian honey bees arrive later this month. Our bees didn't survive the winter, RIP you little souls. We will be splitting the new nuc into two.
Stay tuned for that excitement! Honey bee Tim (that's what I call the gentleman we get the bees from) told us that was pretty ambitious. That will be a whole blog post😬. Stay tuned as we share images of our stylish bee suits trying to not get stung🐝.
One more story before I send you off.
The chicken story
Michael agreed to let me get chickens in the winter of 2019. (When I say let me, that's probably not really true. Remember I let the ideas marinate until he gives in or gives up because he knows I'm going to do what I want anyway.)🤭 I absolutely love having them. But there is a thing called chicken math. Go ahead google it.
Told you.
Michael made me a chicken coop and run for our chickens. It’s really nice. They do free range during the day. When the chickens return to their home they have plenty of room to roost and roam around their house. Their coop is even heated and we have lights and outlets throughout. I told him I wanted six chickens. Well one year later we have 19 (chicken math). I bought 12 chicks from Tractor Supply last April. They are all still here. Harriet went broody (when a hen wants to be a mama) last September. I gave into her and she hatched five. Norma Jean went broody in December. I finally gave into her in March and she hatched one. Which brings me to orphan Annie. I was at Farm n Fleet (yes Farm n Fleet not Fleet Farm) last week getting the dogs their new clippers to give them their stylish haircuts. And of course there were four chick bins out. How can you not look inside! I wasn’t going to buy any. I looked in them and there was one, yes only one baby chick in one bin. All by herself (I pray she is a girl). No other chicks in the other bins. How can an animal lover like myself leave that poor baby all by herself. Plus Norma Jean only hatched one little chick and that chick needed a sibling. I asked the associate at the store if I could have the last lonely chick and she said are you serious? I said yes, of course. She told me his friend had died overnight 😥. I had to take Orphan Annie home (she will be red when she grows up).
Now we have a total of 19 chickens. Seven roosters, ten hens, two chicks
Roosters: Bo, Albert Einstein, Webster, Willis, Doc, Cooper and Harold
Hens: Harriet, Rosa, Norma Jean (sometimes Marilyn depending on her mood for the day), Phyllis, Greta, Ginger, Lincoln, Henrietta, Thelma and Louise
Chicks: Annie and Tammy Faye Baker
Annie and Norma Jean
This blog is a little all over the place. Waiting for things to happen and filling in between the lines is pretty easy at Meracle Acres.
Next month is a crazy month. May flies in and flies out without even landing.
Looking forward to the bees arrival.
Meracle Acres